Sunday, May 19

Sonic Serenity: A Journey of sound

7:00pm - 8:30pm


Join Jon & Carolyn as they lead you on a Sonic Journey filled with the immersive sounds of Gongs, Crystal Bowls, Drums, Chimes & other melodic instruments.

You will experience the depth of breathtaking Gongs including a 44” Chau Gong, a 40” Atlantis Gong and a 32” Paiste Symphonic Gong. These large gongs produce such incredible deep low tones penetrating into the very cellular structure, slowing the brainwaves and harmonizing and balancing body, mind and spirit bringing you into a parasympathetic state of deep relaxation.

Their sound is a work of sacred union where sound brings one into a dynamic union with oneself touching ourselves beyond words, taking us to a place of mystery where our true self lives.

Friday, May 24

Sacred self care & energy healing circle

6:00pm - 7:30pm


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to lose sight of our innate ability to heal. The Sacred Self-Care & Energy Healing Circle provides a sanctuary where you can pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner wisdom. Led by Nurse Kelly, a holistic nurse with a Master of Science in Holistic Nurse Coaching, this evening invites you to explore evidence-based holistic healing tools to lower stress levels, connect with the parasympathetic nervous system, and enhance your mind-body connection. 

In this journey you will experience the healing modalities of Reiki, Guided Imagery Meditation, Grounding, and Sound Healing. We'll also reserve some time at the end for a chance to engage in meaningful discussions.

Our Theme for May is Mindful Dancing with Life's Waves: This theme encourages us to cultivate a deeper awareness of ourselves and our surroundings, embracing each moment with an open heart and a receptive spirit. Whether we're riding the crest of a wave or navigating through turbulent waters, we'll discover the power of mindfulness to anchor us in the present moment and guide us through life's ebbs and flows.

All individuals, regardless of background or experience level, are welcome to attend this event. Whether you're just beginning your exploration of holistic healing or are well into your healing journey, you'll find value and support here.

Be sure to hydrate well before and after the event.

Sunday, June 2

Summer Serenity: A JOurney of yoga nidra, acupuncture and sound healing

6:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us for a unique journey of holistic wellness, where ancient practices blend seamlessly to promote deep relaxation and inner balance.  

The calming and  easy going essence of summer is welcomed with this harmonious fusion of Acupuncture, Sound Healing and Yoga Nidra. Creating space for rejuvenation and self-discovery. 

As you welcome stillness, delicate needles are gently placed at strategic points, including the third eye and crown chakra, activating your body's natural energy pathways. Simultaneously, you will be surrounded by the soothing waves of carefully crafted sound, designed to induce a state of deep relaxation and healing. 

Then, the guided Yoga Nidra will lead into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. Feel the flow of energy enhanced by the presence of the needles.

Return to the present moment through the gentle melodies of sound once again. With the removal of the needles, experience a renewed sense of clarity and vitality.

Following the session, take time for personal reflection and connection with others over tea, fostering a sense of community and support.